Social Innovation Fund Projects Update
A significant evolution of Social Innovation Funded projects has been the meaningful involvement of people in our community who have been historically and systemically marginalized and excluded in developing solutions that will navigate or dismantle some of the complex barriers that have maintained the status quo.
SIF Grantee Partners have made progress in working with government differently to collaborate on strategic solutions to reduce and alleviate poverty in Saint John. They are also working with people living the experiences of poverty differently, and the amplification of their voices will be instrumental in innovations made. The SIF’s remaining 1.35 million was granted to three new initiatives this spring: The North End Early Childhood Hub (YMCA); Safety First (TRC & partners); and Neighbourhood Developers (O.N.E Change & partners), all of whom bring an equity-building approach and a focus on sustainability to their work.
You will notice in the Grantee Partner’s updates the many partnerships forged between SIF-funded and other organisations to strengthen one another’s work. Supporting these connections has been a privilege for the Community Foundation throughout 2021, and we look forward to further collaboration on this innovative work. While the COVID-19 pandemic is far from behind us, these organisations continue to nimbly adapt to ensure the provision of programs and services that are essential to the vibrancy of our communities, and we are deeply appreciative of this.
– CLAIRE ASHTON Director of Network Engagement and Social Innovation