The Friars Family ‘Celebrate’ Fund

The Friars Family is well known throughout Greater Saint John as advocates for many charitable causes. For years the Family has organized an annual concert at the Imperial Theatre, The Tracy Friars & Family Concert, with all proceeds being donated to charity. The Family believes strongly that there is much to celebrate in our community.
To ensure that their legacy of ‘Let’s Celebrate’ will continue forever, the Family has established a permanent endowment fund with the Community Foundation – The Friars Family ‘Celebrate’ Fund.
Donations to the Fund will be held in perpetuity, never being spent. The annual income earned from the Fund will be used to support the work and progress of the Priority Neighbourhoods (those neighbourhoods experiencing generational poverty) in Greater Saint John. Through the Community Foundation’s established granting program, earnings from the Fund will be matched with approved projects to partially or fully fund a variety of initiatives within Priority Neighbourhoods. The larger the Fund, the greater the annual earnings and the more support the Community Foundation and the Friars Family can provide each year.
The Community Foundation is extremely pleased to be entrusted with this important Fund and to be continuing the ‘Celebrate’ legacy with the Friars Family.
Take an inside look at this inspiring family with an incredible spirit of giving by watching this new video produced by James MacDonald & Kate Wallace.
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